What is On Page SEO?

what is on page seo

On page SEO (also referred to as on-site SEO) refers to those elements you can control on each webpage of your website. These may include titles, meta descriptions and alt text as well as any HTML elements not visible to visitors but used by search engines for indexing purposes and ranking the webpage effectively in their results pages (SERPs).

Off-page SEO may help boost your overall rankings, but on page optimization should also play an integral part of any comprehensive digital marketing plan. By optimizing these elements, you can ensure your site attracts relevant traffic while simultaneously turning visitors into customers.

There is much discussion and disagreement around what constitutes on-page seo, with certain factors recognized by Google as ranking factors while others remain uncertain. But all on-page SEO efforts must focus on some core points; specifically ensuring your webpages communicate their purpose effectively to both visitors and search engines alike; for example page titles and meta descriptions should contain relevant keywords while content must provide clear value to readers.

Title tags are one of the most essential on-page SEO elements, as they often serve as clickable headlines in search engine results pages. They should be unique for each page and accurately reflect its topic; furthermore they must also make sense to search engines; using H1 tags to identify main topics while H2 and H3 tags describe subtopics.

Meta descriptions may not directly factor into ranking but can have an indirect effect by providing more compelling descriptions of content on a page and helping search engines determine whether your page matches up well against specific queries.

Image alt text is another on-page SEO element that can improve your SERP position, helping search engines better interpret what an image depicts and providing users with impaired vision with more context about what it depicts.

Internal links are another on-page SEO element that can make an enormous impactful statement about the quality of your content and ranking potential. Search engines use them to explore your site and build a map of it; then rank pages according to how well they match the query of a user. By linking directly to relevant pages on your own website, you are showing search engines that these pages are authoritative and trustworthy, potentially increasing rankings and user experience. Be wary not overoptimize pages by overloading them with too many links – that can damage ranking performance as well as diminish user experience – instead strive to balance both on-page and off-page SEO in equal measures!

作者: admin